Genetic counselling is a process through which individuals at risk of an impaired health condition that may be hereditary or genetic or epigenetic and have a reason to believe that the consequences of the genetic disorder could be due to unhealthy habits or lifestyle. Genetic counsellors are experts in medical genetics having knowledge of various diagnostic tests available to administer thorough unbiased, ethical and accurate information. They act like extended arms for clinicians and doctors. Genetic counselling involves educating patients and their families about the occurrence or recurrence of a genetic disorder in a family.
Patients and families can benefit from understanding the following:
Genetic basis of their clinical disorder, the inheritance pattern, and the recurrence risk
Availability of various tests
An appropriate course of action because of their risk, family goals, ethical and religious standards
Social and psychological support
When and for whom genetic counselling is important
Doctors/ scientists/ diagnostic experts may recommend the patients/families seek genetic counselling from a qualified and experienced expert who can support:
Family history of a genetic condition or congenital disability
A couple in a consanguineous marriage
Women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy at the age of 35 years or above
Concerned to-be parents about the genetic health of their baby
Poor obstetric history or multiple unexplained miscarriages
Death of a child due to a probable genetic condition
Antenatal ultrasound or pregnancy screening tests indictating a possible risk
Family history of cancer or suspected early onset of cancer
Documents to bring with you for appointments
Please bring all documents and reports pertaining to your medical history.
If any other family member had some genetic disorder, then please bring their medical history as well.
We would also like to have your family pedigree for better understanding.
Appointments – timings and location
“All appointments will be fixed as per the availability of the clinicians and geneticists. The Genome Foundation staff will call you to fix an appointment. If for some reason you are unable to attend your appointment or will be late, we request you to kindly call and update the same to us.”